Food Features

 Find out more about the nutritional qualities of seasonal foods and explore the wonders they have to offer.

Food Features, Fibre, Beetroot Tiphaine Boulin Food Features, Fibre, Beetroot Tiphaine Boulin


Beetroots are a powerhouse of nutrients and lend to both sweet and savoury dishes! With their vibrant dark reddish-purple hues and sweet, earthy flavour, they may be slightly intimidating to cook with, but it’s worth the effort. So here are some reasons to add beetroots to your plate!

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Food Features, Fibre, Fruit, Figs, Summer Tiphaine Boulin Food Features, Fibre, Fruit, Figs, Summer Tiphaine Boulin


Figs - ficus carica - are one of the oldest cultivated fruits! Originally from Asia, they are now grown across the Mediterranean and come in 4 main colours: white, green, red and purple/black. With their soft texture, delicate aroma, and sweet flavour, figs are a really versatile food, so let’s take a look at what they have to offer!

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Food Features, Fibre, Chickpeas Tiphaine Boulin Food Features, Fibre, Chickpeas Tiphaine Boulin


Chickpeas - a.k.a garbanzo beans - have become a staple food in the Mediterranean diet. With their versatility for different dishes, these tasty legumes really have a lot to offer. Let’s jump right in and take a look at their nutritional benefits.

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Food Features, Fibre, Oats Tiphaine Boulin Food Features, Fibre, Oats Tiphaine Boulin


What often comes to mind when we think about oats is porridge/oatmeal, and whether you love it or hate it, oats are a nutritional powerhouse with many health benefits, on top of being versatile and cheap. Keep reading for nutrition facts and the health benefits of adding oats to your diet.

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